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About SCFS

The Seamen’s Christian Friend Society (SCFS) is a small evangelical Christian Mission, originally established in the mid 1800's to "warn seafarers to flee from the wrath to come."

SCFS has approximately 25 representatives working in 10 different countries. SCFS is non-denominational.

SCFS in Australia has 6 representatives: one in Adelaide (South Australia); one in Gladstone (Queensland); one in Port Botany (Sydney, New South Wales); and three in Port Kembla (New South Wales).

SCFS Representatives visit seafarers onboard their ships while they are in port with the following two main aims.

Firstly, they aim to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-Christian seafarers through the offer of free English and Foreign languages Bibles, Bible Study courses and other Christian literature and resources.

Secondly, they aim to provide fellowship, encouragement and resources to Christian seafarers so they too might proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-Christian seafarers onboard their ships, by their witness and by establishing and leading group Bible Studies while the ship is at sea.